
We are most flattered to receive this. Our output has been a little patchy since we started blogging. There are only two of us: myself (Rob) and Ranin. We’re both busy people, so we get to this blog when we can. Also, we’re very different people, from different parts of the world, wide age difference, very different upbringing and culture.  But we share a love of eroticism and a hankering to write about it.  We’d like to invite anyone of a similar mind-set to join us.

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award


Here are the rules of the award:
1.) Display the award logo on your blog.
2.) Link back to the person who nominated you.
3.) State 7 things about yourself.
4.) Nominate 15 bloggers for this award.
5.) Notify those bloggers of the nomination by linking to one of their specific posts so that they get notified by ping back.

So, seven random things about myself (Rob):

1.  I wish I knew the things I know now when I was younger

2.  Women with dark hair and blue eyes make my nether regions go twang

3.  My favourite sexual position is 69

4.  I own five guitars

5.  I seriously doubt free will is real

6.  I loath racism with a passion

7.  I am a feminist and proud of it.

And now, the 15 Very Inspiring Blogger Awards go to (in no particular order):


Seven Random things about Ranin:

1. I’ve only had sex with one man.

2. I’m not really experienced.

3. I’m still in love with the man I have had sex with, even though we’re not together now.

4. I feel like a teenager when it comes to Romance, dating and sexuality.

5. I’m more attracted to older guys.

6. I love my body.

7. I want to be a professional writer.

13 responses to “Award

  1. Pingback: An Award!!! | Adventures of a Word Wytch·

  2. Pingback: The Very Inspiring Blogger Award | feminet·

  3. Pingback: I received… | jaycee68·

  4. Pingback: *ding ding ding ding ding!* | Writing: A Conversation Without Interruptions·

  5. Pingback: Award | Trashbaggage's Blog·

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